
Showing posts from October, 2020

Gambling Can Destroy Your Life

  There are so many different types of gambling available for people to get involved with today. Some are the traditional options, such as betting on races or sports games, or taking a trip to your local casino. On the other hand, others are more modern concepts – such as online betting or playing games for cash online. Sometimes, these games of chance can be nothing more than a little harmless fun – a way to raise adrenaline and test your luck every once in a while. Unfortunately, gambling is only harmless if you know how to control it, and as casinos and online locations exert more effort in marketing to gamblers with free games, chips, and hotel rooms all intended to lure them to the table, addiction becomes more of an issue.  The Lure and Threat of Gambling Whether you choose to engage in online fantasy football with friends or strangers, or prefer to make your gambling trips into more of an occasion with a casino, statistics suggest that about 8% of all gamblers exhibit s...

The Pandemic Has Not Been Kind To Women Around The World

From Pakistan to Chile, women in their millions filled the streets, demanding that we be able to control our bodies and our lives. Women came out in Iraq and Kyrgyzstan, Turkey and Peru, the Philippines and Malaysia. In some places, they risked beatings by masked men. In others, they demanded an end to femicide—the millennia-old reality that women in this world are murdered daily simply because they are women. IN 1975 THE FUTURE WAS FEMALE This year’s celebrations were especially militant. It’s been 45 years since the United Nations declared 1975 the International Women’s Year and sponsored its first international conference on women in Mexico City. Similar conferences followed at five-year intervals, culminating in a 1995 Beijing conference, producing a platform that has in many ways guided international feminism ever since. Beijing was a quarter of a century ago, but this year, women around the world seemed to have had enough. On March 9, Mexican women staged a 24-hour strike, un día...

The World's Poorest People Have Been Affected More By The Pandemic

  The new coronavirus may prove disastrous for the world’s poorest people, including those living in slums and refugee camps. Cases were slower to appear in low-income economies, but almost nowhere has escaped the pandemic. Pakistan has been the worst hit country in south Asia, with 2291 cases and troops deployed across cities to enforce a national lockdown. Elsewhere, Haiti, the poorest country in the western hemisphere, has reported 16 cases. In Africa, most cases have been in relatively affluent South Africa and Egypt, but other countries are seeing rises too. Burkina Faso now has more than 250 cases, Senegal 190 and Ghana 195. Across the continent, there are now more than 7000 cases. The impact of the virus in many low-income economies is likely to be very different to rich ones such as the UK, says Azra Ghani at Imperial College London. Demographics are one big difference. The world’s poorest typically live in households containing more people, with all generations living toge...

How Has The Pandemic Changed Education In Schools & Universities Across the World

Universities and restrictions for their students during the pandemic From overcrowded lecture halls in France to a ban on sleepovers in Ireland, special coronavirus apps in the UK, snitching on dorm parties in the US and shuttered campus gates in India, students face a range of experiences when – or if – universities reopen. Authorities around the world have introduced different measures to try to balance the needs of third-level education with those of public health amid an autumnal surge in Covid-19 infections. Students will encounter new rules, tensions and scrutiny in response to fears that universities and colleges will open the pandemic’s floodgates. At one extreme lies France where the government wants people back in lecture halls and tutorial rooms to bridge education inequities worsened by the crisis. Mask wearing is mandatory at all times and social distancing is encouraged but some institutions – not all – are overcrowded, with students cramming every seat and nook of lectur...

What Are Ways To Fight Against Climate Change?

  Healing the planet starts in your garage, in your kitchen, and at your dining-room table. Nations around the world are upping their game in the fight against climate change, even as President Trump recently announced the U.S.'s withdrawal from the Paris Agreement. And despite this reckless move, American mayors, state leaders, county officials, governors, major companies, and millions of citizens across our country have pledged that they're "still in" when it comes to the agreement, and supporting the goal of limiting future warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius. Even better, a new initiative by former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg gives the urban layer of this movement a boost. He’s asked mayors from the 100 most populous cities in the country to share their plans for making their buildings and transportation systems run cleaner and more efficiently. The 20 that show the greatest potential for cutting the dangerous carbon pollution that’s driving climate ...

How To Eat Healthy During The Pandemic

  During this Covid-19 outbreak, it is all the more important to follow a healthy diet while staying at home. With the coronavirus pandemic keeping us homebound, these few weeks have caused quite a ripple in our daily lifestyle. The important thing to remember right now is to take care of our health and stay safe. What can help is to follow a daily routine that will give you a purpose, help you stay focused and keep up the positivity. And in this, being mindful about your eating habits is crucial to stay healthy and also boost your immunity. Like they say that an ideal mind is a devil's workshop, don't give into ordering calorie loaded foods and munching on junk just because you are bored. During this Covid-19 outbreak, it is all the more important for you to follow a healthy diet, exercise regularly, stay hydrated and also get good sleep of about 7-9 hours. So start right away by getting into the habit of eating healthy. Healthy Diet Tips You Should Follow We list down 7 healt...

Countries From Which People Flee The Most To Seek Refuge or Asylum

Around the world, 79.5 million people have been forcibly displaced. That’s the most since World War II, according to the U.N. Refugee Agency (UNHCR). Since most people remain displaced within their home country, how many refugees are there in the world? About 26 million people worldwide have fled to other countries as refugees. Another 4.2 million people have applied for refugee status, but not received it yet. More than half of refugees are children. In 2018, 11 million people were newly displaced, either as refugees or internally displaced people. Now, it’s unknown how border closings and travel restrictions due to COVID-19 will affect the number of new refugees in the world. Conflict and insecurity in other countries, including Iraq, South Sudan, the Central African Republic, and Myanmar have also caused millions to flee their homes. Here are top seven countries of origin that account for the most refugees in the world today. About two-thirds of today’s refugees (68%) come from the ...

The Pandemic Has Hit Women Around The World The Hardest

  It is well established by now that the deadly coronavirus is anything but a “great equalizer.” Instead, large swaths of the population are confronting threats — both to their physical and their financial well-being — that if left unchecked could deepen existing divides. Take the gender gap. Before the pandemic struck, women already faced a century-long wait to reach parity with men, a daunting prospect that now risks becoming further out of reach if the economic disparities unleashed by the crisis are ignored. As the health emergency abates, governments, big business and investors have the opportunity to refocus their attention on previous goals, such as aiming to reach gender equality. Women are particularly exposed to this crisis. They are on the frontlines of the fight against the virus itself, making up 70% of global healthcare workers and as much as 95% of long-term care workers, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). But not only are ...

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